Sabbats Samhain Thru OstaraBackHomeNext

Samhain Ritual


1.              Prepare

                 Prepare the house by decorated based on the proper correspondences for Samhain

                 Prepare the food based on the correspondences for Samhain

                                  Try to include bread, fruit, and juice


2.              Opening the Circle              

Do the Circle casting,

Element calling,

Divinity calling

Calling deities specific to the day or meaning of the holiday


3.              Feast of the Dead

Light the candles on the plates of the dead and the spirit.

Keep ritual silence

Use the silence to think about those who have passed on.

Think about their passing and your hope for a joyous return.

Invite those who have passed on to the ritual in the silence of your soul.

Ask them to join your feast.

                 Eat the feast you set.

                 Feel those who have come and listen in your soul for their words. Take as long as you wish at this.

                 Thank them for coming and


4.              Banishings

                 Light a black candle

Burn a list of things you want to banish

Ask the goddess and god to help you in this.

Explain how you will help if it is possible and not harmful

Use a banishing chant if it helps


5.              Resolutions

                 Light a blue candle

                 Burn a list of the resolutions you wish to keep from this Samhain to the next

                 Ask the goddess and god to help

                 Tell them how you plan to keep these resolutions


6.              Drawing

Light a white candle

Burn a list of the things you want to draw into your life,

Discuss this with the goddess and god,

Explain how you will help to draw these things into your life


7.              Divination

                 Ask the goddess and god to bless the work you are about to engage in

Do your divination using the method best for you

                 Write down your results and your feelings about such.

                 Keep track of those results as the year progresses to see how it comes out


8.              Meditation

                 Focus on thanks giving first over the gifts of the last year

                 Thank them for the help they give in easing sorrow over lost ones

                 Take a shamanic (mental) journey to look for signs that will help through the next year.


9.              Conclude the ritual as normal

                 Thank the Deities for their presence

                 Thank the elements for their presence

                 Open the circle



** You can think about and invite anyone to your feast of the dead, including loved pets.


Yule Ritual


1.              Prepare

                 Prepare the house by decorated based on the proper correspondences for Ostara

                 Prepare the food based on the correspondences for Ostara

                                  Try to include bread, fruit, and juice


2.              Opening the Circle              

Do the Circle casting,

Element calling,

Divinity calling

Calling deities specific to the day or meaning of the holiday


3.             Yule

                Focus on the rebirth of nature and say

A rhythm stirs within the earth
                 That tells all nature of a birth
                 A return to light, return to life
                 And lead us from this darkest night
                 God of the Sun, now have you come
                 Your reign of light has just begun
                 Though all must die to be reborn
                 Return now on a bright new morn

In winter’s cloak we’ve sheltered long
                 Waiting for spring’s sweet song
                 Tho’ warmth we found beside the hearth
                 Its glow could not break through the dark
                 I look toward the fiery sky
                 And know that your return is nigh


                Focus on the rebirth of the god

                                 Think of how the earth’s womb help him, until he was ready to return

                                 Think of how the earth always holds itself for rebirth, the plants and animals always return

                                 Think of how a time of destruction always leads to this time of regeneration


4.             Meditate

                Focus on rebirth

                Focus on the return of light


5.             Prosperity

                Think of the nature of Prosperity

                Give yourself any gifts you bought for yourself

                Open any gifts that anyone gave to you


6.             Spells and Divination

                Cast spells for light, growth, rebirth, and prosperity

                Do divination about light, growth, rebirth, and prosperity


7.             Finishing

Stand before the altar and say

May the coming season bring joy and happiness to you and me

Take a sip from the chalice during cakes and ale

Say : I drink in your honor, may I and all those in need never thirst without your will

Take a bite from the cake

Say: I eat in your honor, may those in need and I never hunger without your will


8.              Closing

                 Close the circle as normal


Imbolc Ritual


1.              Prepare

                 Prepare the house by decorated based on the proper correspondences for Imbolc

                 Prepare the food based on the correspondences for Imbolc

                                  Try to include bread, fruit, and juice

                 Place 14 white candles on the altar

                                  12 in a circle and one in each upper corner

                                  The upper corner candles are candles 1 and 2


2.              Opening the Circle              

Do the Circle casting,

Element calling,

Divinity calling

Calling deities specific to the day or meaning of the holiday


3               Candles

                 Light the candles

say what is specified for each candle.              


Candle 1:                On this great night I call the Gods of old

                 Candle 2:                On this great night I call the Goddesses of old

Candle 3:                This is for the maiden Goddess

                 Candle 4:                This is for the maiden Goddess

                 Candle 5:                This is for the maiden Goddess

                 Candle 6:                This is for the child God as he grows and strives through life

                 Candle 7:                This is for the child God as he grows and strives through life

                 Candle 8:                This is for the child God as he grows and strives through life

                 Incense:                    Great night I celebrate you

                 Candle 9:                Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers

                 Candle 10:              Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers

                 Candle 11:              Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers

                 Candle 12:              Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers

                 Candle 13:              Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers

                 Candle 14:              Blessed be to the goddess and the god, blessed be to the spirits, elements, and powers



Focus on light and its uses

  Focus on light and its problems

  Focus on the young maiden goddess and her gifts

  Focus on the joys of the child god


Spell and divination

Cast any spell for healing, light, or inspiration

Do any goddess oriented divination, or divination with the purpose of looking for healing, light, or inspiration


6.              Finishing

Stand before the altar and say

May the coming season bring joy and happiness to you and me

Take a sip from the chalice during cakes and ale

Say : I drink in your honor, may I and all those in need never thirst without your will

Take a bite from the cake

Say: I eat in your honor, may those in need and I never hunger without your will


7.              Closing

                 Close the circle as normal



Ostara Ritual


                 1.              Prepare

                                  Prepare the house by decorated based on the proper correspondences for Ostara

                                  Prepare the food based on the correspondences for Ostara

                                                   Try to include bread, fruit, and juice


                 2.              Opening the Circle              

                 Do the Circle casting,

                 Element calling,

                 Divinity calling

                 Calling deities specific to the day or meaning of the holiday


3.             Spring

                 Focus on spring and say

Winter's bareness has subsided,

from the death of Winter springs new life!

Spring is coming to the land.

The days grow longer, warm breezes begin to stir...

All around me I see signs---

The growing things are beginning anew.

It is a resurrection of the dance of life---

The dance of the stems and stalks as they push forth from the Earth.

It is the season of creation.

Growth has turned outward.

The land has become fertile again.

The Earth is caressed by the loving touch of the Mother.

Where Her hand passes:

Atoms twine together to create growth.

Buds burst open, leaves and vines unfurl.

She creates a vision of green beauty.

Beauty so breath-taking after the dark solitude of Winter.

It is this vision that we celebrate on Her day of Ostara.

The world recreating itself---

Returning from the death of Winter,

Into the new life of Spring through the love of the Lord and the Lady."

Focus on the meaning of the words for a few minutes


4.             Meditate

                Focus on rebirth

                Focus on mother nature coming back to life

                Focus on nature’s growth


5.             Spells and Divination

                Cast spells for healing, renewal, growth, and fertility

                Do divination about healing, renewal, growth, and fertility


6.             Finishing

Stand before the altar and say

May the coming season bring joy and happiness to you and me

Take a sip from the chalice during cakes and ale

Say : I drink in your honor, may I and all those in need never thirst without your will

Take a bite from the cake

Say: I eat in your honor, may those in need and I never hunger without your will


                 7.              Closing

                                  Close the circle as normal






Some of these I wrote, some I adapted. The Italicized part in the Yule ritual came from “Pagan Born” by Inkubus Sukkubus. It just seemed to fit to well for me to ignore.